The Shannon L. Johnson Typewriter Collection, a tribute to typewriters and their makers.

Typewriter & Office Machine Collection List

This is a list on many of the typewriters and office machines in my collection. I'm working (not qickly though) on gettng pictures of my collection online, so check back every so often.

S. L. Johnson Collection Index
Ephemera & Swag — Books & Periodicals — Ribbon Tins
Supplies & Accessories — Typewriter Collection


Brother Typewriter Co.

The Corona Typewriter Company

The Oliver Typewriter Company

Olivetti Company

Olympia International

The Remington Typewriter Company

The Royal Typewriter Company

Seidel & Naumannn

The L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company

Smith Premier

The Underwood Typewriter Company

Adding & Calculating Machines

Check Writers & Protectors

Other Office Equipment

S. L. Johnson Collection Index
Ephemera & Swag — Books & Periodicals — Ribbon Tins
Supplies & Accessories — Typewriter Collection

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